Thursday, 25th March 1926

25th March, 1926


(Due to arrive Melbourne-24.4.26)

My dear P.M.,

Many thanks for your long letter of 16th January. [1] I am very glad to know the way your mind is working on the several important problems you speak about.

With regard to your American trip, I will try to produce some material for speeches in the near future and will post it to you at once.

I am much looking forward to your visit to this country and to the opportunities that it will give to discuss the many subjects of interest in your letter.

With my best wishes, I am, Yours sincerely, R. G. CASEY

_1 Bruce wrote two letters to Casey on 16 January 1926. One simply accepted Casey’s advice to visit the United States on his way to that year’s Imperial Conference in London. The other, of six closely typed pages, comprised reflections stimulated by Casey’s letter of 5 November (Letter 37). Bruce stated that he had always intended markedly to expand the External Affairs Branch of the Prime Minister’s Department but that decisions on this and on Australian overseas representation should wait until an Imperial Conference had discussed and digested the significance of British participation in the Locarno treaties. He foresaw difficulties for Casey in London if, as he hoped, a stronger man than Sir Joseph Cook became High Commissioner. Bruce hoped to find an outstanding candidate to succeed Cook and envisaged giving the new man a first class commercial counsellor and a political adviser (perhaps Casey or his successor). Bruce was favourably disposed to the appointment of a British equivalent of Casey to Melbourne, but foresaw embarrassment (Bruce did not note the fact that at this point the Governor-General still represented the British Government in Australia). As for Casey himself, Bruce hoped that he would remain in London for a little longer and then enter Australian politics, referring to ‘younger men who have a stake in the country’. The two letters are on file AA:A1420.

