31st March, 1927
My dear Prime Minister,
After concluding my main letter to you, I saw the Hansard of yesterday’s debates in the House of Commons. I am enclosing the questions and answers on the subject of China and would particularly draw your attention to the final supplementary question by Lt. Cdr.
Kenworthy. [1]
I am also enclosing a copy of the debate on the Pacific Cable Bill. [2]
Yours sincerely, F. L. MCDOUGALL
_1 J. M. Kenworthy, Labour M.P., asked about the future of International Concessions, and what positive action was proposed to protect British nationals in view of recent attacks on foreigners at Nanking. See House of Commons, Parliamentary Debates, fifth series, vol. 204, col. 1229.
2 ibid., cols 1279-1301. The Bill embodied an agreement reached at the 1926 Imperial Conference, giving greater Dominion representation on the Pacific Cable Board and altering the financial arrangements for the cable.