Thursday, 26th February 1925

26th February, 1925

Dear Mr. Bruce,

I want privately to express my thanks to you for your invitation to represent Australia on the Economic Committee. [1] I am, of course, as yet unaware as to the meaning of ‘initial stages of the work of the Committee’. You will realise that I should appreciate some information from you as to the way in which the Australian representation is to be carried on.

I quite appreciate the fact that it may be particularly desirable to hasten slowly in regard to the general question of Australian economic interests here, but I am naturally keen to know what sort of developments are probable and to what extent I shall be concerned therein.

I shall be very glad if there is any way in which I can serve you while I am over here. I shall try to keep you fully informed of developments, but if there are any special points on which information would be of use to you I should be glad if you would let me know.

Please remember me to Mrs. Bruce.

Yours sincerely, F. L. MCDOUGALL

_1 See Letter 11.

