14th April, 1926
Dear Mr. Bruce,
I understand that Sir Mark Sheldon [1] is not expected to be in London for some months and I have therefore been wondering whom you will ask to serve on the I.E.C. [2] for the Dairy Produce enquiry. Long before this letter can reach you, the problem will probably have been solved.
I would however like to bring one point to your notice. I have by letter and cable informed you that on the Dairy enquiry the Dominion Export Control legislation will be attacked by Mackinder [3] and Sir Thomas Allen. [4] Perhaps attacked is not the word, but both these members are nervous about the implications of control and the possible damage to the producer’s interests. The New Zealand Dairy Board appear to me to be attempting to run before they have learnt to walk and the N. Z. action may expose a flank very open to attack. My point in this note is to suggest that you might if you feel it desirable make any representative you appoint clearly aware of your Government’s policy in regard to export control, stressing the necessity for the producer and the intention of the Government to avoid such extreme action as would give the British consumer any legitimate grounds for anxiety. I believe I have a clear idea of your desires on this point but if you make another appointment for this most important enquiry I should like to feel that your intentions were clearly realised by your representative.
Yours sincerely, F. L. MCDOUGALL
_1 Former senior Australian representative on the Imperial Economic Committee.
2 Imperial Economic Committee.
3 Sir Halford Mackinder, Chairman of the Imperial Economic Committee.
4 Director of the Co-operative Wholesale Society; United Kingdom representative on the Imperial Economic Committee.