Note Verbale From Japanese Embassy To Department Of External

18th October, 1955



No.80 The Embassy of Japan presents its compliments to the Department of External Affairs and, under instructions from the Japanese Government, has the honour to state that the Japanese Government has forwarded on the 7th October, 1955, to the GATT Secretariat for transmittal to other member countries a statement, a copy of which is herewith enclosed, proposing that the CONTRACTING PARTIES should examine, at the Tenth Session of the General Meeting of GATT, the problems which have led certain contracting parties to invoke Article XXXV of the General Agreement, with a view to working out appropriate safeguards within the framework of the General Agreement and consistent with its basic principles.

The Embassy has the further honour to earnestly request the Department to be good enough to pay favourable consideration to the proposal of the Japanese Government mentioned above, and to instruct the Australian delegates at the Tenth Session at Geneva to lend their cooperation in bringing about the satisfactory solution of the problems mentioned in the proposal.



[AA : A1838/283, 759/1/7, iii]