Sir Geoffrey Whiskard, U.K. High Commissioner to Australia, to U.K. Dominions Office

Cablegram 135 (paraphrase) CANBERRA, 18 July 1939


My telegram No. 94 of 10th May. [1] Reports appearing in the press state that owing to disturbed relations between the United Kingdom and Japan Australian Government do not propose to proceed for the present with the establishment of a Legation at Tokio.

I made informal enquiries as to the authenticity of these reports and I was informed that Commonwealth Government have not as yet definitely decided when they will make an approach to you regarding proposed establishment of Legations but that they are in agreement with the United Kingdom Government’s view that it would be more ‘symbolic’ if in the first instance they only proceeded with establishment of Legation at Washington.


1 Document 84.


[PRO: FO 372/3319]