Mr S.M. Bruce, High Commissioner in London, to Mr R.G. Menzies, Prime Minister

Cablegram 532 LONDON, 7 October 1939, 6.55 P.M.


War Cabinet decided this morning that reply to Hitler [1] should be very full, down the following lines-analysis of statement bringing out obscurities and contradictions, the impossibility of accepting the fait accompli in regard to Poland, the real difficulty cannot trust word or place any reliance on undertakings, own position in general terms, the kind of peace we desire when the time for peace arrives, seeking no territorial or other advantages for ourselves, our only objective peace, prepared to consider all questions and make sacrifices for this objective, would desire to associate with any great non-belligerent power willing to act in determining peace basis. Objective in formulating statement is to throw the responsibility back on Hitler, convince our own people of the necessity to continue the war and enlist neutral sympathy, particularly the United States.

The United Kingdom hope to send draft to you on Monday [2] for your consideration. Present intention Prime Minister [3] would make statement Wednesday.



1 See Document 267, note 1.

2 9 October 1939.

3 Neville Chamberlain.


[AA: A981, GERMANY 83B, iii]