Cablegram 541 LONDON, 10 October 1939, 2.02, a.m.
Full text of draft being cabled to you [1] but cyphering will take some hours. In my view it is purely negative and presents no picture either to our own people which would inspire them or to the world which would enlist sympathy and understanding of our cause.
From paragraph 10 on, I feel statement requires redrafting in this direction. If you agree it is essential you should cable immediately. [2] In the meantime I am doing everything I can to this end.
1 See Document 278.
2 Menzies replied to Bruce the same day in an unnumbered cablegram reading ‘Your telegram 10th October, telegram from Secretary of State only now completely received. Fear too late secure alteration of speech but will send telegram to Secretary of State early tomorrow’ (on file AA: A1608, F41/1/1).
[AA: A981, WAR 45B, i]