Mr A. Eden, U.K. Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs, to Mr R.G. Menzies, Prime Minister

Circular Cablegram D67 LONDON, 9 November 1939, 8 p.m.


Following for the Prime Minister.

My circular telegram D.54 of 27th October. [1]

WAR AIMS. My immediately following telegram [2] contains the draft of the proposed communication to the French Government which received preliminary consideration by the War Cabinet today. The object of a reply in this sense, dealing with general principles only, would be to correlate the points of view of the French and ourselves and to prevent the risk of either Government making any public statement of its war aims inconsistent with that of the other. Such a reply would be of an interim nature only and it is suggested that oral and private discussions should take place thereafter between the French and United Kingdom Ministers with a view to fuller examination of the war aims. Views which the Dominion Governments have expressed or may express on the matter would be fully taken into account in connection with these proposed further discussions with the French Ministers.

Should be grateful of your views on the proposed interim reply.


1 Document 310 2 Document 340


[AA: A981, WAR 45B, ii]