Mr R.G. Menzies, Prime Minister, to Mr A. Eden, U.K. Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs

Cablegram 193 6 December 1939,


Your telegram of 2nd December. [1] Would be grateful if you would ascertain through Lothian [2] whether United States Government would be agreeable to me announcing forthwith that after his return to Australia Mr Casey [3] will be appointed Australian Minister to Washington and that in the meantime legation will be opened and preliminary arrangements made by some appropriate officer.

Am anxious to announce Casey’s name because there is general desire that necessary steps should be taken with Washington as soon as possible.




1 Document 402.

2 Lord Lothian, U.K. Ambassador to the United States.

3 R.G. Casey, Minister for Supply and Development.


[PRO: FO 372/3319]