Paris, 20 December 1972

5888. Secret Priority


The texts are to be compared at 1100 hours 21 December.

2. I will then inform Huang as instructed in your telegram 62231 (the property question).

3. On this property question, Huang mentioned casually 19 December that presumably we will ‘look after’ Taiwanese properties once the communique is released. I did not react to this in any way and Huang did not persist but it is something you will have to consider.

4. I will also 21 December raise the question of Cottrill and the others going to Peking early in January (para 3 of your 6325).2 I do not (repeat not) expect any trouble with this. In argument yesterday, I had already said that it was your intention to have a Charge in Peking early in the New Year. Huang replied that the Chinese would welcome such speed.

5. I think that the best way for me to handle the question of Francis James(para 2 of your 6325) is for me to give Huang a letter on 21 December and saythat I would like an early meeting with him to discuss the matter. Use of such aprocedure will give him the time to consult Peking, will not intrude upon thesigning of the communique and will enable it to be said in Canberra, if it is sowished, that the matter has been raised with the Chinese.

6. The Chinese have accepted that the photographer from our side to be present as the signature ceremony should be a TV man from the ABC. I feel that only the ABC can be trusted not to leak and their silence should be ensured as they will have a scoop.

To placate other press representatives, I propose to see them at 1100 hours 22 December to talk to them in general terms.


[NAA: Al838, 3107/38/18/6, ii]

1 Document 377, which was renumbered by hand.

2 Document 378.