Minute from Lind to Scully

Canberra, 22 October 1982

CER Ministerial Meeting: Travel to Wellington

Arrangements are in hand for the Minister to meet with Mr Muldoon in Wellington on 28 October for discussions which will have a major bearing on the future of the proposed CER.

Given the importance of this meeting and the range of issues which may be canvassed in the Ministerial discussions or separately by officials, it would seem appropriate that the Minister be accompanied by most members of the Department’s CER Task Force. Accordingly, it is recommended that Mr Anderson (subject to availability), Mr Hawes and I be included in the officials delegation.

The Minister has received approval to use an RAAF special purpose aircraft and will depart from Fairbairn mid-afternoon on 27 October with return from Wellington on Friday 29 October timed to reach Coolangatta by mid-morning. Subject to availability of the aircraft, it is proposed that the accompanying officials would then be returned to Canberra. However against the possibility of non-availability of the VIP aircraft, it would seem desirable to have ticketing by commercial airline from Coolangatta to Canberra on 29 October.

As there may be residual paper work arising from the Ministerial discussions and in view of the other matters which may need to be tidied up at the officials level, I believe we should also plan on Mr Hawes and myself remaining for discussions on Friday morning with return ticketing by commercial flight on Friday afternoon.

Your approval is sought for travel arrangements to be made on the above basis.1

[NAA: A1313/113, 82/2593, viii]

  • 1 Scully endorsed the document: ‘Agreed. P. Scully 25110’.