Canberra, 16 June 1951


  2. Proposal for Colombo Plan Exhibition has been examined by Inter-Departmental Committee and recommendations will shortly be made to Ministers.1

  3. The Committee thinks that it is not desirable to attempt to organize an Exhibition, particularly of the kind apparently contemplated by the Ceylon Government, which is devoted primarily to the Colombo Plan and the possibilities of its implementation. In their view, the title of the Exhibition should not be Colombo Plan Exhibition but some more suitable title—perhaps Colombo Exhibition—would be more appropriate. The Committee takes the view that there might be national exhibits by participants in the Colombo Plan in which there could be some pictorial demonstration of each country’s ability to assist the Colombo Plan accompanied, however, by a more general display of each country’s economic, industrial and agricultural life and export capacities.

  4. It is clearly desirable, however, that there be some general agreement on the type of exhibits contemplated and that pavilions for each country should be about the same size.

  5. We should like to know what the other countries have in mind regarding the size of their pavilions and the use of open space provided for each country in Victoria Park. Our own view is that any Australian pavilion should be on a fairly modest scale occupying part of a total space of about 3,200 square feet which might be allocated.

  6. Would you kindly make some discreet enquiries as to what (U.K.) (U.S.A.) (Ceylon) (Pakistan) (India) (New Zealand) (Canada) is proposing and advise urgently. You should make it clear that until question of participation in considered by the Australian Government, no commitment can be made regarding these matters.

[NAA: A9879, 2202/D]

  1. See Document 173.