Minute from Shaw to Casey

Canberra, 4 June 1954

Colombo Plan Aid to Indonesia


Summary 201,370
Total money spent to 30th June 1954  
Plus commitments 845,000
Total 5,046,370

Projects completed

Trucks.(86) and tractors (24)| 201,370


Diesel engines (310) for fishing vessels 410,000
Civil aviation equipment 85,000

Under examination

Diesel locomotives 1,000,000
This item is not firm but we expect to receive a request by about September 1954.  
Transport buses (600 diesel engined 45 passenger buses)1 2,800,000
Telecommunications equipment 220,000
This equipment is required for use with the Shipping Service of the Ministry of Communications.  
Trucks and cranes 60,000
This request is for 10 fork lift trucks, 15 motor trucks and two mobile cranes for the Harbour Service of the Ministry of Communications.  
Small scale cottage industries 270,000
Equipment is needed to set up six factories in accordance with plan to increase industrialisation in thickly populated areas by the introduction of improved techniques in small scale industries already established.  

No orders have been placed for any of the above items nor have firm commitments been made except in items 1 and 2.


Technical equipment £A
Money spent to 28th February, 1954 1,100
Projects completed £A
Textbooks 1,200
Educational films 300
Mobile cinema vans 42,000
Vocational training equipment 37,000


Up to the end of March 1954 arrangements had been made for 91 students to come to Australia. A group of 9 junior officials selected from the Ministries of Economic Affairs, and Home Affairs are at present engaged in a Public Administration Seminar which will conclude early in July. Four Senior Officials are receiving training with the Department of Labour and National Service, they are expected to return to Indonesia in October. Recently Mr. de Queljoe, an official of the Ministry of Education arrived in Australia to arrange the placement of 9 teachers who should arrive within the next four weeks. Arrangements are being made to receive a group for training from the Ministry of Finance and another from the Ministry of Communications.


Two printing experts Mr. A.B. Davies and Mr. W.J. Treasure recently arrived to begin a two year term of employment. Mr. R.J. Taylor is due to leave for Indonesia in about a month’s time.

Volunteer graduates

Four additional Australian Volunteer Graduates are expected to sail for Indonesia within the next two months.

[NAA: A10299, C l5]

1 This figure was later reduced to 100.