Cablegram to Loomes

Canberra, 4 October 1963

694. Secret


We have had a number of reports indicating Thai willingness to use its good offices to bring about a reconciliation between Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. While we naturally welcome any step which is genuinely likely to bring a relaxation of tension, we feel strongly that the Tunku should not be pressured into giving ground on the conditions for a new summit meeting. It has been suggested that Thailand might arrange either a summit or a Foreign Ministers’ meeting to which they would invite each country separately and that when they came together, this would constitute recognition. In our view, such a device is unlikely to be acceptable to Malaysia and certainly not one which we could urge the Tunku to accept.

2. Please seek an opportunity to discuss this with Thanat and without giving the impression that we are attempting to interfere with Thai initiatives, leave him in no doubt about our views.

[NAA: A1209, 1963/6637 part 4]

1 Allan Loomes, Ambassador to Thailand.