Letter from Lee Kuan Yew to Menzies

Singapore, 9 August 1965


By the time you have decoded this message you will know that the Tunku has proclaimed, and I have agreed and simultaneously also proclaimed Singapore as a separate and sovereign nation. But for your staunch support for democratic practice, Malaysia, I and my Government would have been scrubbed out by near fascist methods although non-communist we may be. Because of your moral support we were spared and given the choice either to leave Malaysia while remaining under the umbrella of the Anglican Malaysian Defence Treaty or facing the consequences which in the Tunku’s own words is communal trouble and ‘bloodshed’ leaving unspoken the inevitable consequence which is either fascist methods temporarily succeeding in holding the situation or chaos resulting in eventual communist victory.

You can depend on my colleagues and 1 to ensure that Singapore will remain a non-communist nation so long as we are in authority and whatever the sacrifice we have to make. We will although want to work on terms of honour and freedom with Australia.

It is [an] irony that because of your personal concern for me and my colleagues and what we represent, such an unfortunate result has ensued. However, but for your concern more catastrophic results would have taken place for all of us.

[NAA: A1838, TS682/21/1 part 15]