Cablegram to Critchley

Canberra, 11 August 1965

1158. Secret Immediate

Singapore and Malaysia

Please pass the following message from the Prime Minister to the Malaysian Prime Minister.


My dear Tunku,

Critchley has told me of his talk with you.1

Much as I regret the fact that Singapore and Malaysia have separated, I do not overlook the factors that you have had to take into account or the pressures and deep personal stress you have been under. But that question is now settled. What we must now do is look ahead and do all that we can to make the new arrangements a success. Indeed I hope that the latest changes will open the way to greater real co-operation between each of you. I know that this is your intention and Lee’s, and I would like you to know that you will have our understanding and co-operation.

I have been glad to see the provisions in the Separation Agreement for co-operation in many fields between the Federation and Singapore, because if Singapore is to be kept out of the clutches of Indonesian aggressors or of Communists, it must find outlets and support in Malaysia.

You will appreciate that we have been looking at the changes to see what effect they have on our defence arrangements and commitments. We want to continue to play our part, in association with Britain and New Zealand, in the defence of Singapore and Malaysia both, and since the defence of Singapore and the defence of Malaysia are inseparable, I welcome the fact that there are provisions in the Separation Agreement for continued defence cooperation between the two States and for joint defence machinery. We attach great importance to the creation of this machinery and to its effective operation. Indeed, this will be essential if defence is to be treated as the defence of the whole area under common arrangements such as those now existing.

I have today2 announced Australia’s recognition of the State of Singapore and have told Lee that we are ready to establish diplomatic relations at the level of High Commissioner. This will facilitate the discussion amongst us all of a number of matters which we shall have to look into together.

I confirm our friendship for Malaysia and the warm personal relations that already exist between us.

With kind regards,

R.G. Menzies.


[NAA: A6706, 61]

1 Document 290.

2 That is, 10 August.