Cablegram from Hasluck to Pritchett

Canberra, 26 November 1965

1455. Secret Immediate

My immediately preceding telegram to Parkinson contains the Government’s reply to the Tunku’s letter. 1 You might discuss the problem with Singapore ministers informally as opportunity offers and make the following points:—

(i) We are glad that the proposal has been examined carefully within the machinery for joint defence and have kept in touch with each stage of the proceedings.

(ii) We earnestly hope agreement will be reached as a result of discussion and joint exploration of the issue.

(iii) We attach high importance to the maintenance and development of the system of combined defence and anything likely to breach that system causes concern.

(iv) To ensure best outcome of recent events in Indonesia it is essential to maintain unity of Malaysia, Singapore and their allies.

(v) An external incident or distraction could affect the course of internal political development in Indonesia to our disadvantage.

(vi) Singapore should not miscalculate the strength of the Tunku’s feeling in the matter.

2. At your discretion you might also touch upon the point that anything which impairs the efficiency, and calls into question existing defence arrangements, may play into the hands of those influences in Britain in favour of cutting down commitments in South East Asia. Singapore would not have much to lose by deferment of what is at best an uncertain and doubtful project.

[NAA: A1838, 3006/10/4 part 8]

1 See Documents 348 and 347.