Telex, Hay To Doet

Port Moresby, 13 June 1969

4445. Secret Priority

Webb and Brown returned from Djajapura midday today and report as follows. 1

Representatives of the provincial government of West Irian and the Administration of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea met at Djajapura on the 10th and 11th June 1969 and reached agreement on the following matters.

1. Regular liaison will be established and maintained at the following places along the border of West Irian and Papua – New Guinea. In West Irian Tami, Waris, and Sotar. In Papua– New Guinea Wutung, Imonda, and Weam.

2. Liaison will be maintained by monthly meetings at the border and daily radio communication between the officers in charge of the following posts:

Wutung–Tami| Imonda–Waris| Weam–Sotar

The first meeting between officers at these posts will be held on 25th June. Future meetings will be arranged by these officers. Radio or telephone communication between the posts and the three areas mentioned above will be established as soon as possible. At these meetings and daily telephone or radio conversations officers will be able to discuss all matters concerning the border including persons crossing the border.

3. Daily radio contact will be maintained between Djajapura and Vanimo beginning 12th June (first attempt at contact on 12th unsuccessful).

4. Meetings between officials of West Irian and TPNG at Djajapura, Vanimo or Port Moresby may be arranged as necessary and at short notice. Normally however liaison will be maintained at a local level on the border. Mr Webb will return to Djajapura on 8th July to review progress on {proposals agreed} to.

5. Indonesian and Australian patrols were under orders not to cross the border and that2 they would not do so.

6. It was agreed that if the West Irian authorities had evidence of anti-Indonesian activity in Papua–New Guinea they would inform the TPNG authorities who would take appropriate action.

7. Webb extended an invitation for Indonesian representatives to visit Port Moresby or Vanimo in late August or September for a further review of the situation.

Agreement ends.

Additionally for information General Sarwo Edhie supplied copy of a general order issued to all troops under his command forbidding them from crossing the border or being involved in border incidents.

No statements will be made to press until authorised by you. Although regarding your 5816,3 you may wish to include some of this in the statement to the House of Assembly.

[NAA: A452, 1969/2608]

1 For background, see Document 266.

2 This word appears to be superfluous.

3 Not found.