British High Commission, Canberra, 14 November 1966

Departmental Distribution

Australian Press on Immigration Restrictions

Week-end and today’s papers have extensive reporting and comment on what mass-circulation tabloid ‘Sun-Herald’ sums up as ‘UK Immigration Crack-Down’. Theme of reporting is that British immigration officials appear to be tightening up on individual admissions and that Australians living in London with expired Visitors’ Permits are ‘going underground’ to avoid deportation.

2. Australian High Commissioner, Sir Alexander Downer, is featured prominently as saying that ‘ham-fisted attitudes’ by British immigration authorities were alienating many young Australians and that restrictions could seriously damage Anglo-Australian relations. Sir Alexander is reported to be making informal enquiries of the British Government to try to ease immigration laws. Individual cases quoted include that of Diana Harvey. 1

3. ‘Melbourne Herald’ has Editorial, ‘UK Not Wide Open Now’ on line that restrictions are acceptable (indeed may be belated) but that there are indications that officials may have been severe or capricious in dealing with some reputable visitors of adequate means. Paper urges British Government to enquire into complaints and make sure that there are no injustices.

4. ‘Sydney Daily Mirror’ has Editorial that something has gone badly wrong with system when a passport stamped ‘British’ does not imply unimpeded entry. ‘Mirror’ supports ‘London Times’ in demanding that Britain should take seriously complaints of Australians and New Zealanders that they have been treated like aliens.

1 See Document 321.

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