Report of Meeting of Asia-Pacific Countries

Vienna, 21 September 1973


IAEA: Regional Co-operation Agreement

As advised in Vienna memorandum 7811 of 3 September 1973, a meeting of countries from the Asian and Pacific regions was held during the recent IAEA General Conference to discuss the Regional Co-operation Agreement for Research, Development and Training related to Nuclear Science and Technology (see IAEA document INFCIRC/167). The meeting was attended by representatives from India, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, New Zealand, Vietnam, Korea, Bangladesh, Singapore and Australia (G.L. Hanna).2 Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma, Cambodia and Afghanistan did not attend.

[matter omitted]

4. Mr. Glubrecht3 explained that the Regional Co-operation Agreement (RCA) is intended as a legal framework under which the IAEA can promote the co-operation of scientists in regional countries in scientific and technological fields of interest to these countries. The Agency view is that there is much scientific and technical capacity available in the region but because of its fragmentary character it is not being used to best advantage. The RCA, therefore, could assist in co-ordinating and fostering the use of these resources by all countries of the region. Within this context the Agency sees its role as a co-ordinator; the agreement is directed only secondarily at technical assistance and the Agency’s technical assistance programme would become involved only when funds are needed to assist the functioning of particular projects falling within the scope of the agreement. Mr. Glubrecht stated that the Agency would not seek to promote, on its own initiative, particular projects under the agreement but that the choice of project should be left to Member States; this view was supported by several representatives present.

[matter omitted]

[NAA: A1838, 919/20/2 part 1]

  • 1 Not published.
  • 2 Attache (Atomic Energy), Vienna.
  • 3 Hellmut Glubrecht, Deputy Director General, Department of Research and Isotopes, IAEA.