Mr S. M. Bruce, High Commissioner in London, to Mr R. G. Casey, Minister to the United States

Cablegram 15 LONDON, n.d.


I am sending copies of two cables I have sent the Prime Minister.


I doubt whether the U.K. Govt. will take action on my suggestion.

They would I think respond to an initiative from (? the Commonwealth Govt).

Possibly also you can (? do) (en masse?) something with the United States authorities.

Action by United States might stiffen French whose morale I feel will sooner or later inevitably go.


1 This cablegram together with the repeats of cablegrams 365 and 366 was received in Washington on 30 May 1940. (See Officer’s minute to Casey of 30 May on file AA: A3300, 47.) 2 Documents 308 and 309.


[AA: A3300, 47]