High Commissioner's Office in London to Prime Minister's Department

Cablegram unnumbered LONDON, 4 June 1940, 3.30 p.m.

Your telegram 28th May, Australian representation on the United Kingdom Priority Committee. [1] We were about to cable you in any case stating that we must now expect deliveries of all equipment to be drastically curtailed and that we feel we cannot, at this juncture, press the War Office or Ministry of Supply except for components or materials required for manufacture of munitions for them. War Office monthly meetings prove satisfactory regarding deliveries of equipment controlled by them. Ministry of Supply have just agreed to hold similar meetings for discussions on Empire resources of munitions and armaments generally and will allow us to raise priority questions at these meetings. This arrangement should be satisfactory and no further action appears to be necessary. [2]


1 Document 296.

2 The first meeting between Dominion representatives and officials of the U.K. Ministry of Supply was held on 13 June 1940. (See minutes prepared by the Ministry and note by Lt Col W. Bridgeford, Army Liaison Officer at the High Commission in London, on file AA:

A816, 11/301/292.)


[FA: A3195, 1.3875]