Mr R. G. Menzies, Prime Minister, to Mr P. Reynaud, French Prime Minister

Cablegram unnumbered 14 June 1940,

His Majesty’s Government in the Commonwealth of Australia endorses with all its heart the message sent by the British Government to the Government and people of France. [1]

Australia is making a great effort of military preparation and has pledged herself and all her resources to the successful prosecution of this war, the most fateful of all wars in the world’s history.

Whatever the difficulties of the day are, we will continue the struggle with confidence and resolution until France and the ideals for which she stands have been delivered from the invader.

If the human spirit is able to express itself, as we believe it is, over ten thousand miles of ocean, we hope that our own spirit will at this testing time help in a small way to encourage and sustain the gallant people who are fighting so magnificently for all of us. [2]


1 See Document 377.

2 This message was repeated to the U.K. Prime Minister.

3 The number has been inserted from the Prime Minister’s Dept outward cable register (PA: A3637).


[FA: A3196, [0.3827] [3]]