Lord Cranborne, U.K. Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs, to Commonwealth Government

Circular cablegram D335 LONDON, 7 June 1941, 1 p.m.


My telegram D.581 of 23rd November and connected correspondence.


Arising out of a sugestion made by two of the allied Governments it is now proposed to hold meeting with representatives of Allied Governments on Thursday 12th June.

2. We feel that moment is opportune for a declaration of allied solidarity in view of present German Peace propaganda offensive.

We hope that Dominion Governments will agree and will arrange for their representation at the meeting.

3. Text of resolution to be adopted would be as previously agreed (see my telegram D.581 of 23rd November) subject to following modifications.

(a) in preamble list of Governments would be amended to include Greece, Luxemburg (before the Netherlands) and Yugoslavia (at the end).

(b) paragraph (2) transfer words ‘by Germany and her Associates’ to follow ‘submission to domination’.

4. Grateful for very early reply.


1 See Document 205.
