Mr S. M. Bruce, High Commissioner in London, to Mr R. G. Menzies, Prime Minister

Cablegram 425 LONDON, 11 June 1941


Yugoslav Minister in London came to see me this week with a request from his Government for your approval of their proposal to open a Yugoslav Consulate-General in Australia.

M. Soubbotitch referred at length to the present carving up of Yugoslavia stressing attempts which are being made to absorb these new territories into Hitler’s new order. He pointed out that diplomatic representatives were being appointed from these territories to Germany, Italy and the Balkan States and great play was being made in German propaganda of these appointments.

Yugoslav Government which he pointed out included representatives of the Croats were very anxious to counter these moves and therefore desired to appoint a Consul-General in Australia. A similar approach is being made to South Africa.

I told M. Soubbotitch that I would put his Government’s request before you. [1]



1 The Commonwealth Govt informed Bruce on 14 June that it would welcome the appointment of a Yugoslav Consul-General de carriere.

See cablegram 264 on file AA: A2937, Consuls (Yugoslavia).
