Sir Frederic Eggleston, Minister to China, to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram 28 CHUNGKING, 11 December 1941, 8.40 p.m.


Chiang Kai-shek [1] showing great readiness to co-operate and has placed all his resources at our disposal but labouring under a strong sense of grievance that his frequent requests in the past for some form of joint planning have been ignored and that although war has already been waging [sic] for four days no effort has been made to formulate stubborn resistance. He visualizes permanent military council here possibly under American control.

Russian military attache assured Chiang Kai-shek that Russia’s entry into war now mainly a question of procedure and Chiang Kai- shek feels lack of coordinated strategy by other powers may delay this decision.

Chiang Kai-shek has given positive proof of willingness to co- operate by fresh strategical dispositions in Yunan and cancelled orders for the [2] force to enter China. I now feel it essential that we should capitalize Chinese willingness to help and strongly urge that you press for some immediate decisions on the question of plans of war and general strategy.


1 Chinese Prime Minister.

2 The original was here annotated ‘group mutilated’.


[AA:A981, WAR 54]