Evatt to Churchill

Cablegram unnumbered [1] WASHINGTON, 22 April 1943


Curtin has sent me your telegram as to proposed Conference of Dominion Prime Ministers [2] and his reply. [3] I sincerely hope that if the Conference is to be held at all and you are willing to allow me to represent Australia, you will fix the meeting at the earliest possible moment in June so that I may be back in Australia late in June or early in July. Like yourself I am much more concerned with problems of war than with those of peace and it is about war problems affecting us that my mission is primarily concerned. At the same time it seems most unlikely that Curtin will leave Australia during the present year and in his absence it is essential that Australia should be represented by a Minister rather than a permanent official like a High Commissioner. I agree with you that the demonstration of solidarity will itself be of considerable value.

I asked our mutual friend [4] to give you a message recently.



1 Sent through the External Affairs Office in London.

2 Document 157. Copies of the repeats to Evatt of this cablegram and of the cablegram cited in note 3 have not been found.

3 Document 158.

4 This is probably a reference to Brendan Bracken or W. S.



[PRO:PREM 4/50/8]