Curtin to Evatt

Cablegram PW96 CANBERRA, 13 May 1943


Reference Mr Churchill’s mission to United States of America. I contemplated submitting to Churchill and Roosevelt a new appreciation of our position for consideration in conjunction with the deliberations taking place. However, after consulting MacArthur who has pointed out that through him the United States authorities have been fully acquainted with position in the South- West Pacific Area and that you also have full information [1], I have decided not to make a submission to Churchill and Roosevelt.

I know however that you will take every opportunity that may arise of diplomatically submitting our case.

It is not required that we inject Australian demands unless they be specifically asked for and I feel that the wise course is to fish for such a request rather than to waken disfavour by a forcible intrusion. My deep regards.



1 See Document 189.


[AA:A4764, 6]