Evatt to Curtin

Cablegram E86 WASHINGTON, 14 May 1943, 6.19 p.m.


The Prime Minister has now intimated to me his gratitude for our willingness to take over representation of Poland in Moscow. [1] The President has also stated that he is entirely agreeable to the proposal. The procedure decided is that I communicate in the first instance with Molotov [2] through the British Embassy at Moscow.

Halifax is taking steps to facilitate this. Britain at present represents Poland in Russia. I have informed Officer. [3] It is possible that Russia will not agree but Churchill assures me that Poland will agree. I will communicate later.

Of course there will be no publicity until arrangements are completed. I have also communicated with Bruce. [4] For the time being no message need be sent from Australia. Following is text of message communicated to Molotov through the British Embassy referred to above: Begins.

Subject to the consent of the Soviet Government the Australian Government would be happy to take over representation of Polish interests in the Soviet. With this proposal Mr. Churchill and President Roosevelt are in full accord. The proposal of Australia is made solely with a desire to promote the common interests of the United Nations and is animated by a warm admiration for the peoples of Soviet Russia and Poland alike. Ends.


1 See Churchill’s letter to Evatt of 13 May in Franklin D.

Roosevelt Library: Roosevelt Papers. President’s Secretary’s file.

Australia diplomatic.

2 Soviet Foreign Minister.

3 This message has not been found.

4 This message has not been found. On 16 May Bruce cabled to Evatt: ‘Position cleared with Polish Government and your message forwarded to Clark Kerr for transmission to Soviet Government’ (see cablegram 29 on file AA:M100, May 1943).


[AA:A989, 43-44/715/5/2/2]