Evatt to Hodgson

Cablegram E159 WASHINGTON, 12 June 1943, 5.03 a.m.


1. Please read the personal wire E.157 that has gone to the Prime Minister from myself. [1] I think it is of vital importance to the Government, the Prime Minister, and myself, that the Prime Minister should issue an appropriately worded statement marking the conclusion of my mission here and its complete success in relation to the outstanding object of obtaining equipment for the expansion of the R.A.A.F. Without repeating what I have said to him, I can tell you that the strain has been almost unbearable, that I have gone flat out for almost seven weeks. But the ultimate success has been worth all of it, and, despite her illness, Mary Alice has greatly helped through her many friendships here.

Without being able to tell you the exact time of leaving I hope to be in London on Tuesday morning. Dixon arrives in San Francisco tomorrow, Sunday, and for the purpose of consulting I have asked him to come to New York, which is my point of departure.

2. It is a suitable time to thank you for your very great assistance to me throughout the mission here. Your personal messages and encouragement have been of the greatest possible value. [2] I am deeply indebted.

3. I cannot be absolutely sure about the length of my stay in London, which is largely dependent upon Churchill’s plans. Mary Alice will be going to a mountain resort for convalescence while I am away. Burton is staying in Washington.

4. Please communicate with me in London as you have done in Washington.

5. Please let all our families know of our movements. Burton is especially anxious to hear of his wife and children as they were ill recently.

6. When you think it convenient you might discreetly let Drakeford, Beasley, A. V. Smith, Henderson [3], Fadden, Billy Hughes and Archie Cameron [4] know something of the fight I have had and of its ultimate success. I am happy to know that-whatever befalls us-something big has been done for Australia and the Empire.


1 Document 222.

2 See file AA:A4764, 6.

3 R. A. G. Henderson, General Manager of the Sydney Morning Herald.

4 M.H.R. for Barker and a prominent member of the Country Party.


[AA:A4764, 3]