Melville to Evatt and Chifley

Cablegram Financial 35 BRETTON WOODS, 19 July 1944, 12.50 p.m.


Following from Melville for Minister of External Affairs and Treasurer.

Monetary Conference 1. In order to meet the position of myself and other representatives, the following procedure has been decided upon:

(a) The Commissions will complete the fund, bank and other documents to-day, Wednesday.

(b) To-morrow afternoon full conference will hear reports from the Commissions and will resolve, for example, ‘that the conference accepts the report of the Commission I, adopts the articles of agreement of the international monetary fund and directs that they be incorporated in the final act of conference’. Note-Any reservations intended on the substance of the draft agreements for signature of the final act (see below) must be made at this stage.

(c) The final act will be signed on Friday or Saturday.

2. You will note that the resolution in paragraph 1 (b) is completely neutral. It does not recommend or even submit the draft agreements to the governments.

3. The final act will be a mere record of proceedings signed by the leaders of the respective representatives and signature will be a simple certification of accuracy of the record.

4. This procedure would be even more neutral than that at Hot Springs which we are informed involved signature.

5. Technically there would be no commitment even at official level but in view of your telegram 2, paragraph 4 [1], and subsequent advices [2], please instruct me by Thursday afternoon, Washington time, as I must then declare my attitude.


1 Dispatched 6 July. On file AA:A989, 44/735/56/10, 1. Paragraph 4 read: ‘We are disturbed by the contents of your Financial 5 [Document 211] and desire to be kept fully informed of any developments in this matter. In meantime no documents should be signed without further advice from this end.’ 2 See Documents 221 and 225.


[AA:A989, 44/735/56/10, i]