Cranborne to Commonwealth Government

circular Cablegram D1082 LONDON, 29 July 1944, 11.55 p.m.


My telegram D.No. 1080 of 28th July. [1]

Civil Aviation 1. In my telegram of 18th July D.No. 1036 [2] last paragraph I mentioned the possibility of discussion between Lord Beaverbrook and Mr. Berle at Washington. Lord Beaverbrook has now telegraphed that Mr. Berle has informed him that he would like to discuss:-

(i) A bilateral agreement, and (ii) The proposed international authority and whether it should be given executive powers.

2. Lord Beaverbrook feels that it would be better for us not to discuss these controversial issues with the United States while the presidential election is pending. He proposes therefore, to suggest to Mr. Berle that the best course would be that the United States should invite all the United Nations to table plans for international air routes which each would wish to operate after the war. In this connection he would refer to the fact that the United States Civil Aeronautics Board have already published particulars of the routes in which the United States are interested. [3] We assume that the intention is that the Board will collate the plans when received in response to the present proposal. The advantage of this suggestion would, in Lord Beaverbrook’s opinion, be that preparation of such plans and the collation would avoid premature discussions while at the same time registering progress in preparation for the proposed international conference.

3. We will keep you informed of any developments at Washington but, in the meantime, should be grateful for your very early comments on the above. If this suggestion should materialise we should regard the conference on the official level suggested in my telegram D.No. 1080 as in the nature of joint preparation between several Commonwealth Governments for the replies which they would make to the United States Government.


1 Document 240.

2 On file AA:A5954, box 658.

3 See Document 240, note 2.


[AA:A989, 43/735/832/1, ii]