Evatt to Dixon

Cablegram 1273 CANBERRA, 24 August 1944


Your 749. [1] World Organisation.

You can give general support to views expressed by Berendsen. [2] There are several indications of growing tendency to keep British Dominions as much as possible in background despite their great contribution to the war effort. My own view is that it is not too early even now to get some assurance that Australia as an important Western Pacific power should be given membership of proposed Executive body. It was intensely disappointing that we did not get adequate support in connection with I.L.O. Governing Body. This may seem premature but as you know our attitude must be coloured to some extent by the knowledge of what share we are likely to have in the working of the proposed organisation.


1 Dispatched 16 August. On file AA:A5954, box 1821. It conveyed the substance of discussions on world organisation between British Commonwealth representatives at the U.K. Embassy in Washington on 16 August.

2 Berendsen said that in New Zealand’s opinion discussion on future world organisation was being dominated by the major powers and that there was little opportunity for the smaller powers to register their views.


[AA:A3196, 1944, O.23019]