Fraser to Evatt

Letter CANBERRA, 24 January 1944

I have now received your letter of to-day’s date [1] in which you set out your general understanding of the principles agreed upon as a result of our several discussions on questions relating to post-war international economic collaboration.

I agree that your summary fairly expresses the common point of view of the two delegations and I will undertake to place your note before the New Zealand Cabinet upon my return for their consideration and approval. [2]

If these principles are accepted by the New Zealand Government it is agreed that they will form the basis of the instructions which both Governments will issue to their official representatives attending the forthcoming Overseas talks in London on post-war international economic collaboration.



1 Document 28.

2 Fraser notified Evatt of the N.Z. Cabinet’s approval in a letter dated 2 February. On file AA: A989, 44/735/168/16.


[AA:A989, 44/735/168/16]