Maloney to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram 198 MOSCOW, 22 June 1945, 5.50 p.m.



1. Settlement arrived at between Polish representatives in Moscow last night. Communique will be issued by the Moscow Commission late to-night announcing the disbandment of the Commission as a settlement has been arrived at on the Polish question. The new Polish Government agreed upon will make full announcement of the settlement from Warsaw on its arrival at Warsaw within the next few days. Settlement was unanimously agreed upon and arrived at by the Polish representatives themselves, the Commission merely guiding them into meeting and leaving the Poles to thrash the matter out themselves.

2. Authority will be vested in a presidium consisting of seven members with Bierut as President, Wincenty Witos, Grabski and Schwalbe Vice-Presidents together with Zymierski-Rola, one communist and one representative of the Polish Democratic Party.

3. A government consisting of twenty people will be established with Mikolajczyk and Gomulka as Vice Premiers. Mikolajczyk will be Minister of Agriculture; Kiernik-Minister for the Interior and Stanczyk-Minister for Social Welfare. One third of the government will be communist, one third from socialist and other political groups and one third peasant party. Poles at present abroad will be invited to come to Poland and participate in the affairs of Poland. Free elections will be held for the election of a new government as soon as possible.




[AA : A1066 H45/453/2]