Cranborne to Commonwealth Government

Cablegram D87 LONDON, 17 January 1945, 8.52 p.m.


My telegrams 18th December, 1944, D.1827 and 2nd January D.5. [1] Voting in the Security Council.

1. After further consideration here in the light of your reply [2] and those of the other British Commonwealth Governments, His Majesty’s United Kingdom Ambassador at Washington has been instructed to inform the United States Secretary of State that His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom are prepared to accept the President’s proposed compromise solution.

2. We have added that we are still not entirely clear as to the precise effect of applying to Chapter VIII, Section C, paragraph 1 the rule that parties to a dispute should N 0 T vote but we do not anticipate any difficulty on this score.

3. Lord Halifax has been asked to remind Mr. Stettinius that the question of voting is N O T the only one that remains to be settled before a United Nations Conference could be called, that all the difficulties will N O T probably have been got out of the way before next Three-Power meeting and that therefore he should N O T go ahead precipitately. Moreover the idea was that the invitation to the event[ual] conference should be in the name of three (or four) powers and consequently consultation will be necessary before the invitation is issued.

4. We are considering further the various questions raised in reply to my telegram D. No. 1827. Meanwhile please see the individual replies in my immediately following telegrams. [3]


1 See Document 1, note 1.

2 Document 5.

3 D88 to Canada, D89 to South Africa and D90 to New Zealand. On file AA:A1066, H45/765.


[AA: A1066, H45/765]