Cablegram 226 CANBERRA, 11 August 1945
Your telegram D.1409 [1] received.
Having regard to recent cables which passed between us and the assurance given or implied, we assume that on this matter we will be fully consulted before any definitive action is agreed to. We would refer you to our cables 205 [2] and 209 [3] and especially to your 277 [4] explaining why we were not consulted in relation to Potsdam ultimatum, and also your 274 [5] recognising Australia’s right to be consulted on all matters affecting the conclusion of peace treaties.
At your request we have also forwarded tentative views on the Japanese settlement-our 225. [6]
1 Dispatched 10 August. On file AA : A1066, P45/10/1/3, ii. It contained the text of the U.K. Govt’s announcement foreshadowed in Document 173.
2 Document 141.
3 Document 149.
4 Document 162.
5 Document 158.
6 Document 171.
[AA : A3196, 1945, F0LDER, OUTWARDS MOST SECRET, 0.21056]