Chifley to Attlee

Cablegram 253 CANBERRA, 27 August 1945


Dr. Evatt and I have discussed the matter of your telegram No.

332. [1] The statements made by him, Mr. Beasley and myself represented the views of the Government which regards it as vital that Australia should be included as a party principal to the peace settlement with an effective voice at the highest level.

This particularly applies to all aspects affecting the Pacific and the Far East.

Your telegram is very frank and I may say with equal frankness that we have felt that our objects could be achieved if you could see your way clear to taking up a strong line with the other powers, in support of our claim for inclusion in the Council of Foreign Ministers, which we note from your D No. 1546 [2] that you now support. We are also sure that you will recognise the differing claims of countries according to the comparative part played by them in the war against Japan.

In the circumstances we feel that our comments have been provoked either by action which was taken without reference to us or without full time or adequate weight being given to our views.

On the other hand, we fully understand that during the war full co-operation with the Dominions has not always been practical for a number of reasons including perhaps the great pre-occupation of Mr. Churchill with more immediate problems, and as a consequence it is desirable in our joint interest to give fresh consideration to the great problem of effective consultation.

I am endeavouring to meet your suggestion with regard to personal representation in London by sending Dr. Evatt whom I can spare only with difficulty. I believe that this should be a most effective step in successfully carrying out our common objectives.

I must express the hope of the Government that you will be able to secure for him a voice in the Council’s deliberations. I suggest that it should also be of mutual advantage if he also took part in Cabinet meetings affecting the peace settlement on the same footing as during the war years.

I desire to add that we reciprocate the spirit of your message.

Our own desire is the maximum of friendship and comradeship.


1 Document 217.

2 Document 215.


[AA : A3196, 1945, FOLDER, OUTWARDS MOST SECRET, 0.22288/89]