Cablegram EC51 LONDON, 11 October 1945, 12.04 a.m.
Your 318 [1] and 319 [2]. Par Eastern Commission.
The actual initiation of the Far Eastern Commission is of vital importance to Australia. For that reason I think you should announce that in the earlier stages of the Commission I as Minister for External Affairs will represent Australia and that I will be assisted by Sir Frederick Eggleston and Forsyth.
In regard to Military Advisers, the jurisdiction of the Commission will be mainly non-Military. No announcement therefore need be made in this respect.
Please communicate urgently with Secretary of State Byrnes to the effect that I will not be able to arrive in Washington until 26th October and that Australia would regard it as more satisfactory if the first sitting of the Commission could take place on Monday 29th October.
Glad if you would also inform New Zealand of our preference for 29th October and request their support.
1 Dispatched 29 September. On file AA : A816, 52/301/222. It listed members of the Australian Service Mission appointed to prepare for Australian participation in the occupation of Japan.
2 Dispatched 11 October. On file AA : A5741, A2. It requested Evatt’s views on Australia’s representation on the Far Eastern Commission.
[AA : A1066, P45/10/33/1]