Makin to Mountbatten

Cablegram unnumbered CANBERRA, 13 October 1945


I should be grateful if you would kindly refer to the Australian Prime Minister’s message to you of October 12th [1] concerning the departure for Dutch territory of several hundred Indonesians now in Australia.

2. All the Indonesians are voluntarily returning to Dutch territory, and it is our intention to have elect between three ports of disembarkation in Dutch Timor, Java and Sumatra respectively.

3. Your urgent advice would be appreciated as to which ports in Java and Sumatra should be used for disembarkation bearing in mind our concern that all should be landed without incident and without risk of arrest and punishment by the Dutch. In this connection we would ask that the landings be under S.E.A.C. supervision.

4. The ESPERANCE BAY leaves Sydney to-day and Brisbane on Monday.

Because of this I feel sure that you will not mind our taking a direct enquiry of the Australian Force Commander at Dutch Timor as to which port should be used there and whether the landing can be covered.

5. Mr. K. C. Plumb, now to be accompanied by a clerical assistant (Mr. Warwick Coombe) has been unable in the time available to obtain a visa for the Netherlands East Indies. Same holds as regards his assistant. In these circumstances I desire to request you to arrange entry should visas not come through by the time the ESPERANCE BAY reaches Batavia.


1 Document 303.


[AA : A1838/2, 401/3/6/1/3, i]