Letter CANBERRA, 19 October 1945 [1]
I thank you for your letter of 3rd October, 1945 [2] and note with pleasure that you concur in the proposal that a Political Observer be attached to the Australian Service Mission, Tokyo.
Mr. B. C. Ballard, M.A., LL.B. who has been head of the International Co-operation Division of my Department since 1944, has been selected to fill this position. He was from 1940 to 1944 Australian Official Representative in New Caledonia and from 1934- 40 solicitor representing Australian interests in the New Hebrides.
Mr. Ballard’s functions as Political Observer will be to:-
(a) Observe and report to the Commonwealth Government through my Department upon political developments in Japan;
(b) make to the Commonwealth Government such suggestions as he may think appropriate relating to the Allied occupation and matters affecting Australia;
(c) forward information which may come to his notice relating to Australian interests, property or persons and take action in regard to these as directed from Canberra.
It would greatly facilitate Mr. Ballard’s work if he could be provided with copies of all information not of a strictly service nature transmitted to Australia by members of the Service Mission, and your confirmation that this will be arranged would be appreciated.
1 The letter was typed on 9 October. The date was subsequently altered by hand and on this copy is indecipherable. Beasley’s reply, dated 7 November (on file AA : A1066, P45/10/40, i), gives the date as 19 October.
2 on the file cited in note 1.
[AA : A1066, P45/10/40, i]