Department of External Affairs to Hood

Cablegram 422 CANBERRA, 22 October 1945


Reference D.O. 418 of 18th October. [1]

We are arranging attachment of Macmahon Ball, as Political Representative to Allied Commander in the Netherlands East Indies.

Cables will be sent to Dominions Office and SACSEA immediately for this purpose. Please acquaint Foreign Office with particulars of his experience stressing that he is fully aware of Australian Government’s foreign policy and that he will be assisted by observers acquainted with the area and with the Dutch attitude.

Reference your 325. [2] We should appreciate urgently any indication you can give of the United Kingdom views on the long term settlement of the Indonesian situation and in particular their reaction if any to the trusteeship idea. We are considering expressing our views on long term settlement to the United Kingdom in the near future.


1 On file AA : A1838/2 401/3/1/1, i. In response to the Commonwealth Govt’s proposal to appoint a Consul-General in Netherlands East Indies, the U.K. Govt suggested that it would be preferable to appoint an Australian political representative to either Christison or Mountbatten.

2 Document 323.


[AA : A1838/2, 401/1/1/1, i]