Commonwealth Government to Addison, Mountbatten, Fraser, Evatt

Cablegrams 415, 24, 242, 1774 CANBERRA, 21 November 1945


Your D.2115 [1], Siam.

We appreciate manner in which we have been kept informed of the course of negotiations with Siam and of the reception accorded by S.E.A.C. Headquarters to Colonel A. J. Eastman, Australian Services Representative with S.A.C.S.E.A.’s forces in Siam. [2] Colonel Eastman is aware of Australia’s interests in Siam.

2. Eastman has reported that Dening while aware Australia’s desire to be party principal in negotiations has received no instructions. We would again express our wish that Australia should be a party principal in contemplated agreements with Siam.

We should like to see as soon as possible final drafts of these agreements. In the meantime we should be glad to continue to receive from you advice as to the attitude of the United Kingdom and other powers concerned in the settlements.

3. We should be grateful if arrangements could be made to enable Col. Eastman to participate as Australian Government Representative in the negotiations with the Siamese Delegation.


1 Dispatched 14 November. On file AA : A1838/2, 453/10/1/2. It reported the suspension of negotiations during Dening’s absence in Java, and commented on procrastination by the Siamese delegation over acceptance of the agreement.

2 Dunk had suggested to Shedden that an Australian officer should be attached to any SEAC mission to Siam because of Australian commercial interests in the tin and rubber industries there.

(Shedden’s minute to Northcott, 14 September, on file AA : A816, 19/301/1030) Addison’s cablegram 376, dispatched 15 September (in AA : A5954, box 2282) welcomed the proposal, and Addison was advised of Eastman’s selection in cablegram 359, dispatched 23 October (in AA : A3196, 1945, 0.27108).


[AA : A1838/2, 453/10/1/2]