Cablegram E49 WASHINGTON, 23 November 1945, 11.23 p.m.
At today’s meeting of the Far Eastern Commission further progress was made and the basic policy and principles for the Japanese occupation as drafted by the Policy Committee, of which I am Chairman, will come up next week to be dealt with by the Commission and finally recommended. Forsyth in a separate cable [1] will detail how the United States basic documents will be amplified, clarified and considerably improved by amendments, the great majority of which proceeded from the Australian Delegation.
If next week’s proceedings go through as planned my mission in relation to the initial work of the Commission will be successfully completed as the basic policy will be determined largely in accordance with Australian policy. What I have said involves the practical agreement of 10 Nations on nearly every point. If it comes off it will be a considerable step forward in the direction of International co-operation between Pacific Countries. Therefore if all goes well I should be able to leave Washington late next week for the Pacific Coast whence I shall return by ship.
The Commission also decided to proceed to Japan for the purpose of determining on the spot how policies have been carried out. I propose to send Forsyth and Plimsoll [2] with the Mission which will go by ship. These two should be reinforced by at least one other Officer with a thorough knowledge of Japanese affairs and the language.
1 Document 421.
2 Major James Plimsoll, seconded to Evatt’s staff in Washington.
[AA : A1066, P45/10/33/2]