Cablegrams 443, 263 CANBERRA [1], 6 December 1945
Your D.2016 [2] and D.2125. [3]
We agree with the principle of Trusteeship for a period which should be terminated when U.N.O. Assembly, acting on advice of Trusteeship Council, determines Korea is fit for independence. We think, however, that United Nations Trusteeship would be far preferable to a four-power arrangement. This would be compatible with the suggestion for Advisory Council, but the Advisory Council should consist either of the Nations members of the Far Eastern Commission or at least of five powers including Australia.
Proposed settlement of Italian colonies practically agreed to in London included United Nations trusteeship. A four power trusteeship is undesirable and opposed to our general policy in Pacific affairs.
1 This cablegram was drafted in Washington. See cablegram 1770, dispatched 21 November to Washington Legation (in AA : A3196, 1945, Folder, Outwards Most Secret, 0.29518) noting the U.K.
Govt’s request for an urgent reply to cablegram D2016, and setting out the views of the External Affairs Dept, including approval of a four-power trustee body. See also cablegram 1099, dispatched 5 December from the Legation in Washington (on file AA : A1838 T184(SV), 3123/4/13) transmitting this text, which had been approved by Evatt, to Canberra.
2 Document 354.
3 Dispatched 17 November. In AA : A3195, 1945, Folder, Top Secret, Inwards from Secretary of State, D2037-3/11/45 [to D2264-9/12/45], 1.36107. It reported the U.S. Govt’s proposal for ‘a neutral (e.g. Dutch or Swiss) High Commissioner assisted by an Advisory Council, including representatives of trustee powers’.
[AA : A1066, H45/771/3]