Eggleston to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram 1154 WASHINGTON, 15 December 1945, 3.03 p.m.


Reference telegrams D.2221 [1], 2222 [2] and 2223. [3]

Copies have been given me by Lord Halifax. I have been in touch with Evatt at Victoria B.C. [4] He objects in general to the discussion at Moscow of arrangements for the settlement of Far Eastern questions in the absence of Australia. Subject to this overall objection his views are 1. D.2221. He thinks that if United Kingdom is forced to agree to Four Power Control Council the proposal for joint representatives nominated by United Kingdom and Commonwealth with advisers from these two powers and India would be best course. He would not favour the idea of a Dutch Commissioner.

2. D.2222. He thinks that Bevin should stand to the London terms regardless of circumstances and not give way and he maintains his objection to any veto.

3. D.2223. He is disposed to agree that Korea not ready for selfgovernment. If it is agreed that trusteeship necessary his first preference is for United Nations Trusteeship or if limited to a Four Power Trusteeship, he would like Australia to be the British member. He asked me to forward above to the Commonwealth Government for consideration.


1 Document 450.

2 Dispatched 13 December, on file AA : A1066, P45/78/4/4. It conveyed the U.K. Govt’s concern about the possibility of a deadlock at Moscow over the power of veto implicit in the U.S.

proposes draft terms of reference for the Far Eastern Commission and, to counteract it, suggested, as one possibility, the revival of the ‘London Terms’, i.e. those set out in Document 280. In view of the possibility of agreement between the U.S. and Soviet Govts on the current proposal, Bevin was to have wide discretion in handling the matter.

3 Document 451.

4 Evatt was in Canada en route to Australia.


[AA : A1066, P45/10/33]