Churchill to Evatt

Cablegram D54 LONDON, 25 February 1945, 6.03 p.m.


I was very pleased to read of your speech about the Crimea Conference and in particular the decisions about Poland. [1] You may be sure that we have not approached this subject without great heart-searching and that we sincerely believe our conclusions to offer the best guarantee for the survival and independence of the Polish state. At a time when there is much public anxiety over this matter and a good deal of illinformed criticism, your remarks have been a most welcome contribution towards putting the case in its right perspective. Every good wish.


1 In response to a suggestion by Menzies that the territorial agreement on Poland reached at Yalta might not accord with the Atlantic Charter, Evan had expressed support for Churchill’s leadership in the matter, defending the agreement as contributing to the welfare of the Polish people, who would be given an opportunity to declare their will. See Commonwealth Parliamentary Debates, vol. 181, pp. 60-5.


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