Eggleston to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram 344 WASHINGTON, 11 April 1945


My 246. [1]

The Brazilian Embassy at Washington confirmed in writing their readiness to establish diplomatic relations with Australia. The Brazilian Government has not yet given agreement for Macgregor but the Ambassador [2] insists that this is a routine matter and the delay is due to the absence of the President of Brazil from the capital. [3]

The Ambassador of Chile [4] has now left with me a written communication along the following lines- (a) Chile confirms the desire to establish diplomatic relations with Australia.

(b) Chile is prepared to grant immediately agreement for Macgregor.

(c) As Australia is accrediting Macgregor to Brazil and Chile ‘with fixed residence in Rio de Janeiro, the Australian diplomatic mission in Santiago will in practice be left with a Charge d’Affaires ad interim’.

(d) As it is impracticable for Chile to reciprocate by accrediting a Minister to Australia and another country, Chile will designate a Charge d’Affaires to Australia.

(e) Should Australia later decide ‘as is to be desired’ to accredit a Minister to Chile ‘with residence in Santiago’ Chile will immediately accredit a Minister to Australia.

With regard to paragraph (c) above, when approaching the Ambassador of Chile we did not make any reference to a fixed residence in Brazil. Presumably Chile has seen press notices or received a report from its Consular Representative in Australia stating that ‘headquarters’ of Australian Minister would be at Rio.

The Ambassador of Chile asked for confirmation that the appointment of a Charge d’Affaires in Australia would satisfy the Australian Government. Please advise.

[matter omitted]


1 Dispatched 13 March. On file AA : A1066, A45/3/1/1.

2 Carlos Martins Pereira e Sousa.

3 The commencement of Macgregor’s appointment, as set down in an Executive Council minute, was 7 June. The Brazilian Govt indicated its acceptance of his appointment in late April and he Presented his credentials to the Brazilian President, Getulio Vargas, on 7 August. See cablegram 394 from the Legation in Washington to Makin, dispatched 28 April, Macgregor’s cablegram 3 to Evatt, dispatched 7 August (both on file AA : A1066, A45/3/1/1), and Hood’s cablegram 116 to Evatt, dispatched 18 June, in AA : A3196, 1945, Folder, Outwards to Australian Delegation San Francisco (and London), 0.15618. Brazil’s Minister to Australia, Oscar Correia, arrived in Sydney on 18 March 1946 and presented his credentials on 2 July.

4 Marcial Mora.


[AA : A1066, A45/3/1/1]