Evatt to Mulrooney [1]

Cablegram SFC14 SAN FRANCISCO, 11 May 1945,1.32 p.m.


Referring to other telegrams, please make it clear to Beasley and Hood that Makin and Chifley should on an appropriate occasion deal faithfully [2] with Menzies for his mischievous interference with our work here. [3] Whatever his intention is, it amounts to treachery to Australia in the face of other nations.

Great progress is being made by Australia in this Conference. Many of our principles are gradually being adopted and will find a place in the ultimate charter. As far as trustee-ship is concerned this has been publicly stated ever since the Australia - New Zealand Agreement and Menzies has never raised his voice on the question.

It only amounts to recognizing a duty of decency towards helpless people. If the Labour Movement does not stand for that, it does not deserve to exist. Our persistence has compelled the United Kingdom Delegation to accept [4] the public pledge of our [5] nations to observe the principle of trustee-ship in relation to all dependent peoples. This marks a great advance in English Tory policy and I hope that if Menzies comes to light again someone at least will crack him hard.

Please show this telegram to Calwell who, I am sure, will be pleased by our fearless and independent attitude in the face of Government and social pressure. [6]


1 Mulrooney had been asked specifically by Evatt to handle telegraphic communications for the delegation. See in particular Evatt’s cablegram E1 to Mulrooney, dispatched 20 March, in AA :

A3195, 1945, Folder, inwards from Australian Delegation San Francisco (and London), I.9445.

2 A sign here indicates ‘as received’.

3 See Document 86, note 1.

4 A sign here indicates ‘mutilated’.

5 A sign here indicates ‘mutilated’.

6 A version omitting this paragraph was circulated to Chifley, Beasley and Makin.
